The presidential car arrives with security men jumping out of accompanying jeeps. He greets Mr. Luzhkov and then his aide says Euronews wants to talk with him. He comes right over to us and I am able to film him in the sun with a background of the city, one can say, he built. He was very nice and seemed to be in a good mood. Tuesday is his birthday and Monday is also a holiday, called the City Day. The cameramen from different Kazak televisions were very friendly and calm. Usually such events are a scram for position, but here things seem to go very smooth, but I think I also have a privileged position because Euronews has a very good reputation here and is very respected.
Next up, an interview with the "Head Designer of the City" Mr. Djambulatov. We have a point in common in that he is also a pilot. I mentioned that I had a helicopter's license from the military aeroclub of the former Soviet Union, DOSAAF. He learned to fly there as well. He smiled and held out his hand to shake and said "you are my real comrade"! He said the buillding in which we were standing is the site of the old DOSAAF airfield! We talked airplanes for a brief moment which was a lot of fun.
For a small break we went to have a coffee with a journalist friend, Ainash and some of her friends. They were very interested in talking with us and were filled with questions and ideas. One was a young lawyer and prosecutor, others working for an organisation to promote the city of Astana. All seem very motivated, polite and anxious to learn what they could from encounters with foreign visitors.
Next we went for a walk in the city park. Kids were pedalling small go carts around and you had to dodge them sometimes. Even smaller kids were in even smaller plastic cars remotely controlled by their parent, giving them the sensation that they were driving without being a danger!
Прекрасный репортаж!