dimanche 10 octobre 2010

Astana, Kazakhstan

A relaxing morning at the hotel, doing some translation and gym of course. Then we took a bus to the center. It was about 25 eurocents and very comfortable. When you board, a young girl comes up to sell you a ticket. We tell her where we want to go and when we decide to get off early because we want to walk, she even makes sure we know that we haven’t arrived at the stop we requested. The people are all very nice. When I got on the bus, a young man offered to give me his seat. I must be getting old or maybe, as I like to think, the big bandage on my head from stitches made him pity me. But, when I refused and said thank you, he got up anyway for a women who boarded on the next stop.

Spent the day again at Rafé’s coffee shop talking with Constanino and Ainash. There was even a big TV screen there and Euronews was on. When our report came on the air, I made big waving signs with my hands so people would watch and then pointed at Constantino when he came on with his stand-up. People laughed and pointed. It was fun.

Back to the hotel to sleep or try to sleep until 2 when we have to get up to go to the airport.

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